Friday, January 22, 2010

Minnesota Deer Hunting Regulations Firearms Regulation For Minnesota Deer Hunting?

Firearms Regulation for Minnesota Deer Hunting? - minnesota deer hunting regulations

I am using an AR -15 for deer hunting this season, and I want to ask something. What is the maximum capacity magazine?


David S said...

5, can be FMJ.

See this site: ...

Dan B said...

I think the first question is whether its size is still legal to hunt on the hunt. It's been a while, hunting or Minnesota Hunter safety classes taught, but I think the 22 gauge is a little light on the human aspect of the hunt for all that we know the size of-tailed deer in Minnesota. Remember, this is a class that was designed to neutralize the enemy, instead of killing him on the premise that more troops would be needed to treat the wounded, that if she would be killed. I hope that you are a responsible hunter who intends to make a quick clean kill on shots, rather than on a set of semi-automatic fire inflections are paralyzed enough damage that the animal can be attributed to the end of his trail of blood in and out of their misery. Think about it. Please.

Dan B said...

I think the first question is whether its size is still legal to hunt on the hunt. It's been a while, hunting or Minnesota Hunter safety classes taught, but I think the 22 gauge is a little light on the human aspect of the hunt for all that we know the size of-tailed deer in Minnesota. Remember, this is a class that was designed to neutralize the enemy, instead of killing him on the premise that more troops would be needed to treat the wounded, that if she would be killed. I hope that you are a responsible hunter who intends to make a quick clean kill on shots, rather than on a set of semi-automatic fire inflections are paralyzed enough damage that the animal can be attributed to the end of his trail of blood in and out of their misery. Think about it. Please.

Dan B said...

I think the first question is whether its size is still legal to hunt on the hunt. It's been a while, hunting or Minnesota Hunter safety classes taught, but I think the 22 gauge is a little light on the human aspect of the hunt for all that we know the size of-tailed deer in Minnesota. Remember, this is a class that was designed to neutralize the enemy, instead of killing him on the premise that more troops would be needed to treat the wounded, that if she would be killed. I hope that you are a responsible hunter who intends to make a quick clean kill on shots, rather than on a set of semi-automatic fire inflections are paralyzed enough damage that the animal can be attributed to the end of his trail of blood in and out of their misery. Think about it. Please.

nightfir... said...

5 and no FMJ

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